On the USA side of AVFP, one of our biggest tasks is to raise funds to help meet the needs of our projects in Kenya. These funds can be raised for the support of our orphan and vulnerable children’s education, the feeding of the school children, our early childhood education program, clean water sources for the community, education in health care needs and many other needed projects.
With AVFP Assistance:
1) Hold and provide refreshments for a small cocktail party, brunch or dessert get together (inviting 6 -10 friends) so that more can hear of our project and maybe open more ideas or doors for sources of funding.
2) Assist in organizing a talk with a school, classroom, club or other organization.
3) Inform them that during these gatherings they will be seeing a short documentary and hear a brief statement on a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization you support (AVFP) that focuses on the education and feeding of children in a village in Kenya Africa (Approx. 15 minutes total presentation). There is no immediate obligation on their part, but maybe they will have an idea or group who would like to raise money for our project (i.e. Girl/Boy Scout Group, church youth group, women’s group, etc.)
4) AVFP will provide a fact sheet hand out you can give to those invited to give them an idea of the project. We can also provide an invitation if needed.
Independent Projects
1) Hold a bake sale, yard sale or product sale, etc.
2) Independently speak with people on specific projects to raise money for: orphan and vulnerable children education; feeding of children; early childhood program; for a well to provide clean water or support of health education. Information and handouts on these topics can be provided by AVFP.
3) Sponsor a dinner or event with proceeds dedicated to AVFP.
Thank you for your time and consideration in helping our organization!
To volunteer or participate in a fundraising activity, contact us at
info@alicevisionary.org or AVFP P.O. Box 476 Delaware Water Gap, PA 18327
We are dedicated to improving the lives of those most vulnerable in our world. Your contribution today helps us make a difference.